CPA Risper Ouso
Head of Finance and Operations
Risper Ouso is the Head of Finance and Operations at Jacaranda Health. She has over 10 years’ experience in Finance and Accounting. She is responsible for ensuring prudent financial management and controls for the country’s operations. Her key accountabilities involve establishing policies, procedures and systems to ensure integrity and timely service delivery for a sustainable scaling of programs. Risper joined Jacaranda from Impact Water where she was the Finance and Admin Manager doubling up for; Finance, HR, Procurement and Administration work. She has previously worked with organizations in the; Hospitality Industry (Cold Springs Hotel), Textile (Tarpo Industries), ICT (Computer Planet) Mobile Money (Good Week Interservices) and the Judicial Service Commission. Risper holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management with a major in Finance and Banking. She is a CPA (K) and a member of AWAK (Association of Women Accountants of Kenya). She is passionate about business compliance and tax management.